Metabolomics Data

Please let us know ( and if you have any datasets for SARS-CoV2) data. We are currently analyzing MERS data below.

Page last revised on: 2020-05-18

SARS-CoV-2 Metabolomics Serum Data

The RAW data can be found here. MSV000085373

with metadata found here.

Feature Detection

We used this MZmine2 batch file.

Feature Based Molecular Networking

The Feature Based Molecular Networking Job can be found here.

Here is a high level molecular network analysis...

Lorem Ipsum...

PCoA Analysis

Lorem Ipsum...

Statistical Analysis

Lorem Ipsum...

MERS Lipidomics Data

There are many datasets from the following publications

MPLEx: a Robust and Universal Protocol for Single-Sample Integrative Proteomic, Metabolomic, and Lipidomic Analyses

The raw lipidomics data as a start can be found in MassIVE:

  1. Primary human airway epithelial cells lipidome response to an icMERS coronavirus MHAE003 - MSV000083535
  2. Primary human airway epithelial cells lipidome response to an icMERS coronavirus - MSV000083534
  3. Primary human airway epithelial cells lipidome response to an icMERS coronavirus - MSV000083533

These data from Thomas O. Metz's Lab from PNNL are time course studies of the lipidome of the airway epitheleal tissue.

We have compiled the metadata from the data here.

Initial Metabolomics Analysis

Qualitative Analysis

Dataset Analysis
MSV000083535 Spectral Library Search
MSV000083535 Classical Molecular Networking
MSV000083535 - Positive Qemistree

Relative Quantitative Analysis

Dataset Feature Detection FBMN Data API Esquisse
MSV000083535 - Positive Data Analysis Analysis API Link
MSV000083535 - Negative Data Analysis Analysis API Link

This API data is a tall tabular csv file with feature and sample metadata pulled into it. It is readily plotable in tools like ggplot2 (R) and plotnine (python). You can read it into your software in a single line:


Preliminary Results

Positive Ionization Results - sorted by p-value between mock and MERS

Example Feature 8378 across different time points of infection:

Molecular Network - highlighting significant features in MOCK (purple) vs iMERS

Download entire network here

Data Processing Methods

We aim to imploy the following analysis pipeline:

  1. Feature Finding with MZmine2 in GNPS - Produces peak integration from data
  2. Feature Based Molecular Networking in GNPS - Produces Molecular network and spectral library matches - machine readable quantitative data
  3. Statistical Analysis and exploration via Jupyter Notebooks


There are many datasets from the following publications

MPLEx: a Robust and Universal Protocol for Single-Sample Integrative Proteomic, Metabolomic, and Lipidomic Analyses

The raw GC Metabolomics data as a start can be found in MassIVE - Primary human airway epithelial cells metabolome response to an icMERS coronavirus

  1. MSV000081891
  2. MSV000081890
  3. MSV000081889

We have compiled the metadata from the data here.

Initial Metabolomics Analysis

Relative Quantitative Analysis

Dataset Analysis
MSV000081889, MSV000081890, MSV000081891 (combined) - Cos0.7 Spectral Library Search
MSV000081889, MSV000081890, MSV000081891 (combined) - Cos0.7 Deconvolution
MSV000081889, MSV000081890, MSV000081891 (combined) - Cos0.7 Network
MSV000081889, MSV000081890, MSV000081891 (combined) - Cos0.5 Spectral Library Search
MSV000081889, MSV000081890, MSV000081891 (combined) - Cos0.5 Network

Some preliminary results can be found here